Background & Aim
- Covering Salesman enquiries and giving out quotation duties
- Increase the awareness on the trading services
- Connecting clients with salesman by using AI Chatbot function

- Manage big volume of data
- Localized by using Cantonese, English and slangs
- Engineer Knowledge & customer information can be captured by AI in future

- Knowledge can be accumulated
- Conversation history belongs to the company
- Increase salesforce
- High Security
- 100 % In house development
- Do more with less, when it comes to optimizing my data infrastructure
- The chatbot is available anytime, and anywhere 24/7
- Customised shopping experience and the functional tools they need to manage something incredibly personal

AI Chatbot Conversation
- NLU Model
- Core Model

NLU training
- Training sentences as training materials
- Input messages & sentences
- Output Intent
- After training in hidden layer fro data learning process,then output messages as intent